Misty Jane Jewelry


Misty Jane Jewelry

Mission Hills, California


Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do:

Danyele: Misty Jane Jewelry

Danyele: Misty Jane Jewelry

My name is Danyele E Thomas. I am a self taught crocheter. I crochet metal wire and precious stones into art forms of wearable jewelry.

Let us know more about your business name - how did you come up with it?

I named my line after my mother to honor her for blessing her children with her limitless creativity. My mom is pretty incredible. Her levels of creativity are mind blowing. She’s my muse.

What is your signature style / item? How did it become so?

My signature style is the Classic Disc earring. It’s my version of the magic circle. You can do so many color combos and variations in sizes, it’s pretty endless.

What makes your business unique to the industry?

To say my jewelry is unique is an understatement. It’s not too often you come across crocheted metal. And because I’m self taught, I don’t follow the normal crochet patterns  My designs are truly one of a kind.

What's been your biggest roadblock when it comes to business and how have you been able to overcome?

Because my jewelry is so different a lot of people don’t get it at first. In the beginning this was hard for me to accept because I was so in love with my work. But as time went on I became okay with being different and embraced it. It’s what set me apart from other designers. Now anyone who buys a piece knows how exclusive it is and this is what makes them unique as well.

How has your business had to adapt amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic? What are you doing to navigate the situation?

I love going to craft shows and doing events. I love the one on one interaction with my customers. Covid-19 has shut down all events. I’ve had to rely heavily on website sales and promoting my jewelry via Facebook and Instagram.

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Thomas

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Thomas

What is your favorite part of what you do?

My favorite part is the creation process. I get into what I refer to as my Zen process. It’s very relaxing for me. I pour hours of love into every piece that I create. The reward is seeing people wearing my designs. That truly brings a smile to my face.

What is your *must do* local activity?

My favorite must do activity is having a date day with the hubby at my friends coffee shop, Kindness & Mischief Coffee in Highland Park. They have the best Matcha Green Tea lattes and the cafe is so sweet.

Where to find Misty Jane Jewelry: