Featured Business Premium Placement:
Premium Site-wide Feature Placement
Have Your Business Featured on our (1) Homepage Banner, (2) listed as the top business on our “Where My Locals At” page, (3) listed as the top business on your state specific category page, and (4) be a highlighted business on your state’s main page.
*Only one spot per category is available for this per month
$150 per month
Using an image provided by you, this will be clickable to your interview page.
Premium Homepage Feature Placement
Have Your Business Featured on our Homepage Banner for one month.
$100 per month
Premium State Specific or Category Feature Placement
Have Your Business Featured on a select state or category’s main page for one month. This includes a dynamic image with both a main product image and a quote of yours to highlight your business.
Available states: AZ, CA, CO, OH.
Available categories: accessories, art & photography, body care, fashion, family goods, food & drink, housewares, pet needs
$50 per month
Email Marketing Campaign
Reach either our specific local audience of your choice or our national database.
Coming Soon
General Advertising Options:
Homepage Banner Ad
Hot-linking banner ad clickthrough to your website on our homepage.
$50 per week
State Specific or Category Banner Ad
Hot-linking banner ad clickthrough to your website from a select state or category’s main page.
Available states: AZ, CA, CO, OH.
Available categories: accessories, art & photography, body care, fashion, family goods, food & drink, housewares, pet needs
$25 per week
Email Marketing Campaign
Reach either our specific local audience of your choice or our national database.
Coming Soon