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My style is to alter something by hand sewing and crocheting into, and or adding crochet to something. To do this I start with an embroidery stitch (blanket stitch) with which to attach the crochet. I guess that's my signature style, hand stitching and crochet. But I also use a lot of funky bright colors, granny squares and mandalas.
I not only grow the plants, but create the planters as well, which is pretty unique. This lets me speak to not only the crafting process, but how to best care for your new buddies.
I love using my beautiful, polished style on funny, playful text (especially the occasional well-placed f-bomb!). This juxtaposition is fresh and unexpected, and positions me to fill a particular niche in the lettering community.
I use many different Silver smithing techniques, creating various different looks. Most artist stick to a couple techniques keeping a "look" where I venture out in technique and don't repeat a lot of my pieces. Most items are one of a kind.
I started off just making lightweight earrings. I always hated heavy earrings but loved statement earrings. Using materials like leather, cork, and wood was the perfect solution. I later expanded my offerings to bespoke decor (Custom signs, etc). I love the process of taking someone’s vision and creating a piece that speaks to their heart or makes a statement.